Harom Galamb (Scotland)
Harom Galamb (Scotland)​
Harom Galamb (Scotland) is a registered charity (SC049952) with the following purposes and powers:​
The organisation’s purposes are the relief of need through raising funds to support the Harom Galamb Association, a charity registered in Romania providing a day centre for young adults with learning disabilities, with the aim of providing vulnerable individuals with opportunities for personal growth and skills development, increasing social integration, independence and confidence.​
The organisation has power to do anything which is calculated to further its purposes or is conducive or incidental to doing so.
Other support
In addition to the principal purpose of raising funds for AHG, Members of Trustees of HGS support in other ways.
John Richards: Chair of the Board of Trustees, providing regular, reflective, recorded 1-1 supervision support to Zsuzsa and annual reviews of the team; advice and guidance, when needed, about matters to do with social care; also responsibility for drafting many of the documents used by both organisations.
Laurence Alfred; Secretary to the Board of Trustees, provision of advice and guidance on matters spiritual, cultural; training and development to AHG and a wider audience; editing and improving source documents; and links to the Camphill network.
Sean Bellive: Treasurer to the Board of Trustees, provision of all things financial, in respect of both revenue and capital funding of AHG, making sure that in real-time we know how AHG is performing financially.
Ann Watt: founder member of the Board of Trustees, providing support through her knowledge of social work and social care; hearing the voice of the beneficiaries and bringing that to the table; being a critical friend for proposals and developments; having networks of potential financial support.
Richard Costigan: member of the Board of Trustees, providing advice and guidance on matters to do with social enterprise; drawing from a long association with social work, social care and Camphill; providing valuable links with the wider world of social care and Camphill.
Professional connections
The support provided, as detailed above, shows a ongoing professional connection between the two organisations. This is important for Zsuzsa and her team as they continue to grow and develop. It is important for Trustees who do not simply want to attempt to raise funds for an organisation, in which they are not invested in, other ways.
The advice and support given, is done so in good faith, but does not have to be accepted, or taken on by AHG, as this is not laid down in some constitution or other legal document. It goes hand-in-hand with the raising of funds.
At any time, a Trustee can revert from their support role to simply one of supporting fundraising initiatives, or resign from the Board of Trustees.