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Between September 2021 – February 2023 the Három Galamb Association implemented a project under the name “Pilot project providing meaningful work in an intentional community setting”. This was done in partnership with the Mâini Dibace Foundation and with the Youth Association from Transylvania and benefitted from a 50.000 euro grant from the Active Citizens Fund Romania, programme funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants 2014-2021. Through this 18 months project Harom Galamb has laid the foundations to our presently functioning and licensed Day Centre. The content below is a report of this Pilot Project which has now been completed, but shows the purpose, input, outputs and outcomes of the project which have been built upon since its conclusion.

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Project description

Based on the significant needs and gaps in the provision for this age group in the region, our plan is to start a Day Centre, operating Monday to Friday, catering for vulnerable and learning disabled young adults. We intend to provide a program of work experience, training opportunities and social-therapeutic input for a group of 10-12 young adults aged between 18 and 35 years, achieving thereby social integration for the young adults leading towards personal development, an active contribution to society, and employability. Our extensive experience in the work in the U.K. has convinced us that this particular age group presents the greatest potential for personal growth, skills development and achievement, but is also that time in life when vulnerable and learning-disabled people are most at risk from isolation, alienation and neglect. This is due to the lack of appropriate opportunities or social support, a problem accentuated in Romania with its unfortunate history of institutionalised neglect of learning disabled people and a general lack of social care provision. There is a dire lack of professionally functioning civil society organisations in Romania and an extremely low level of financial support available from the Government. The successful implementation of the project sets an example for the positive functioning of the 3rd sector in this region. We are a group of professionals with lifelong commitments to this work, being natives of the region in Central Romania and having many years of experience in successful and innovative service delivery models in Scotland.
Our goal in the first 18 months of the project is to enroll the young adults into our activities, to receive a Romanian license for a Day Centre. Provide the assessment of needs for 10-12 young adults with learning support needs, develop the Personal Plans designed to meet these needs. Develop our organic garden into a social enterprise in order to serve as a pillar in our financial sustainability.


Pilot project providing meaningful work in an intentional community setting 
"Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe."

Project opening event

On the 30th of October 2021, our Association will hold its project opening event: "Start Project - funded by EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021". The event takes place in Kisgalambfalva, in the Village Hall, at 11 a.m. The main objective of this event is to  inform the public about the Három Galamb Association, the Pilot project and its impact on the community's life. The program of the event: registration, reception, presentation of the Pilot project, music and dance performance, storytelling, visiting the Három Galamb Association's site, time for questions and conversations.  

Project opening event POSTPONED

Due to the national pandemic restrictions, the project opening event has to be postponed. The new date of the event is not yet established. We will come up with news as soon as possible. Thank you for understanding.

For now we prepared a video for you about a story from the original program which was told by Zoltán Murzán from Kisgalambfalva (for Hungarian speakers). You can read the story in English below:

"The Water Bearer

A water bearer had two large pots, which hung on each end of a pole that he carried across his neck.

One of the pots had a crack in it, and while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water at the end of the long walk from the stream to the master’s house, the cracked pot arrived only half full.

For two years this went on daily, with the bearer delivering only one and one half pots of water to his master’s house. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments. But the poor, cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection and miserable that it was able to accomplish only half of what it had been made to do. After 2 years of what it perceived to be a bitter failure, it spoke to the water bearer one day by the stream.

“I am ashamed of myself, and I want to apologize to you.”

“Why?” asked the bearer. “What are you ashamed of?”

“I have been able, for these past 2 years, to deliver only half my load because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your master’s house. Because of my flaws, you have to do all of this work, and you don’t get full value from your efforts,” the pot said.

The water bearer felt sorry for the old cracked pot, and in his compassion he said, “As we return to the master’s house, I want you to notice the beautiful flowers along the path.”



At last it happened ☺️
We are all delighted that so many of you took the time to attend our event on Saturday. Thank you for
all your kind words of encouragement and affirmation, so that we can carry this beautiful cause forward
with even more momentum!  The dancers of the Mákvirágok – Poppy flowers from Cristuru Secuiesc raised the level and atmosphere of our event and provided a rare experience for many young people
present. Zsolt Várday, architect from Odorheiu Secuiesc gave a spectacular presentation about the
construction plans of the Three Doves Day Centre. And all of this would not have been possible
without the many hard-working volunteer hands. Thank you all!
Our hearts are filled with gratitude! 


Entrepreneurs' Ball 2022

The Entrepreneurs' Ball was held in Székelykeresztúr in 2022 as well. The organization was undertaken by the KVKA Business team. It was a beautiful and high-quality event with a long tradition. One of the traditions of the Ball is to donate the proceeds of the raffle to a charity. At this year's ball, the Három Galamb Association was chosen. We thank everyone for their support and the opportunity to present our work and goals in this circle.


The Három Galamb Association is currently working on an 18-month pilot project. The project is supported by the Active Citizens Fund Romania with funding from the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021, with 49,937.64 Euro. The self share 6.116 Euro, which is part of the budget, was covered by the following sponsors: Combridge SRL ( 2.000 euro, KVKA Business ( 4.116 Euro. Thank you for seeing the value in our work and offering us your support in this.


Beszámoló egy léleksimogató koncertről - 2022

Úgy gondoljuk, a hideg őszi napok beköszöntével, nemcsak a testünk, hanem a lelkünk is jobban keresi a melegséget, nyugalmat, meghittséget. Karitatív koncertünk egy ilyen sziget volt, ahol kilépve a hétköznapok monotonitásából, szürkeségéből, ha úgy tetszik mókuskerekéből, megérkezhettünk egy felemelő, léleksimogató zenei élményt nyújtó koncertre.

A Nagy Lajos Gyülekezeti Ház, melyet a keresztúri református egyházközösség díjmentesen biztosított számunkra, kifinomult stílusa tökéletes helyszínnek bizonyult, ahol úgy éreztük, egy nagy család gyűlt össze. Egy olyan család, ahol tiszteljük és szeretjük egymást, ahol figyelünk egymásra, ahol huncutul összemosolygunk olykor, ahol kiváncsiak és nyitottak vagyunk egymásra. Köszönjük szépen a részvételt, biztatást és támogatást minden kedves jelenlevőnek, segítőnek, közreműködőnek.

A Székelyföldi Filharmónia vonósötösének koncertjét hallgathattuk, mely közvetlenségével, magas minőségével, igényes zenei válogatásával hiánypótló élményt nyújtott. Egy magasabb dimenzióba repített minket a zenekar, ahol a lelkünk is utólérhetett, ahol megszünt tér és idő, ahol egybeolvadhattunk a zenével.

Szünetben jóhangulatú beszélgetés, nevetés suhant végig a termen. Fiataljaink által készített kekszet rágcsálva, almalevet, teát szürcsölgetve kellemesen telt az este.



The last 7 months of the Pilot project were a true accomplishment of the process started in the earlier months. The number of the young adults with disabilities enrolled in our program increased to 9 (attending the full day provision), 3 applications in process and to 28 (attending the weekly folk dancing sessions, cultural and family events, occasional day work in the garden). These numbers go way beyond our original target of 12.

The activities offered in the center developed, offering a person centered program to each individual attending the service. The garden (A7), the craft workshop (A8), the kitchen work (A9) offers a wide palette of activities that contribute to the development of skills of the young adults.


The 8 volunteers (A9) involved in this period enriched the program and raised the level of support given to the beneficiaries. We organised a charitable concert, 1 family day, wine harvest ball, Christmas meal with parents, carnival, took part in 2 Advent Fairs (A10). These events deepened our relationship with the families, strengthened the group of parents as a supporting community and offered the opportunity to welcome new families into our circle and lead them on the path towards joining the day program.


The weekly folk dancing sessions are the true highlight of the week (A11), offering a socializing platform filled with joy, laughter, friends and not last a lot of learning. Behind the program stands a qualified, well settled, strong team, who can manage and direct the project on a high professional level (A1, A4, A5). In the last months the focus was on getting the license for the Day Centre (A3).


In the course of the pilot project we started to develop a partnership with a Norwegian NGO, Camphill Vidarasen Landsby. This lead to a partnership agreement and we handed in a joined application to the Fund for Bilateral Relationships Call 3.

Our 2 weekly FB posts and quarterly Newsletters have reached a growing audience (over 4000).


The project is implemented by Három Galamb Association in partnership with Mâini Dibace Foundation and with Youth Association from Transylvania and benefits from a 50.000 euros grant from Active Citizens Fund Romania, programme funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants Grants 2014-2021. The content of this website does not necessarily reflect the official position of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021; for more information visit More detail about Active Citizens Fund Romania are available at


Project implemented by:


Mobile: 0040-756-855797 (RO)

Str. Felső Nr. 23. (nr. 39).
Jud. Harghita 537216 ROMANIA

Thanks for contact us!

© 2024 Harom Galamb Association

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